Valued Participant,

We are highly elated to acknowledge your participation in our Webinar to mark World Refugees Day 2024. Your presence, contributions and concerns are remarkable testaments of your care for human dignity.


The theme Breaking Barriers: Promoting Inclusion and Integration for Refugees sought to draw public attention, sensitivity and concern to the plight of Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and to call for concerted efforts towards change.

let’s commit to including refugees in our schools, workplaces, healthcare systems and everywhere.


Together, we can champion their right to seek safety, build support for their economic and social inclusion, and advocate for solutions to their plight. We pray for a world where refugees are welcomed


We hope that our partnership will continue to blossom and bring forth more fruitful endeavors in the future. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.


Please access the full recording of the webinar here or click the link below, so that you don’t miss out on the valuable insights we shared. Click Here 



We are pleased to invite you to our 2024 second quarter webinar. The purpose of this webinar is to mark the United Nations (UN) day for Refugees. Which is observed annually on 20th June.
Theme: Breaking Barriers: Promoting Inclusion and Integration for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
We are delighted to state that, we have a panel of distinguished and committed persons in service for refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) across Africa to lead the discussion.
The webinar is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 20th June 2024 at 10:00am (GMT) on zoom.
The meeting details are as follows:
Meeting ID: 833 1150 3188
Passcode: 187586
Please click here… to register for this webinar.
We believe your knowledge and experience would undoubtedly contribute to this webinar. We look forward to your registration and participation.
Thank you.
Job Alert: Join SCA as Program Manager

Job Alert: Join SCA as Program Manager


Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi – Safe-Child Advocacy a catholic NGO located at Roman Hill, Kumasi – Ashanti Region request applications from suitable candidates for vacancy of a Program Manager position.

Core Responsibilities:

  • Proposal Writing
  • Report Writing (monthly, quarterly, project reports)
  • Project Management and Design
  • Search for Donor Agencies
  • Resource Mobilization
  • Project Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation

Key Job Requirement (Qualification):

  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent) in Sociology or Social Work or related field
  • At least three (3) years working experience in a related field/position (preferably in a Non-Profit Organization)
  • Experience in Proposal Writing
  • Good Presentation Skills
  • Must Be Computer Literate (i.e.) possess good knowledge and skill in Microsoft Office Suite


  • Knowledge in Project Management and Design
  • Excellent Communication (written and verbal) Skills
  • Ability to work responsibly with little or no supervision
  • Ability to organize and prioritize work schedule
  • Ability to manage time effectively
  • Ability to present work in organized pattern
  • Ability to meet deadlines or targets

Mode of Application: Interested but qualified applicants are required to submit application (with Photocopies of Original Certificates, Recommendation Letter and CV) addressed to the Human Resource Officer, Safe-Child Advocacy office Kumasi – Roman Hill behind the Catholic Bookshop or via email:

Closing Date: Closing date for submission of application is 21st June, 2024.

Note: Please only suitable candidates in and around Kumasi are encouraged to apply.

Thank you.

For Further Information Contact: 0240405607

Safe-Child Advocacy hosts triple events in one day.

Safe-Child Advocacy hosts triple events in one day.

The three imperative events, Cultural awareness day at St. Vincent de Paul Day Care, workshop for formal education beneficiaries, and welcoming of a group of students from USA were hosted on Friday June 7th, 2024.

The fifteen (15) Virginia Commonwealth University students pursuing programmes such as psychology, mental health and Information Technology in relation to social service, arrived at our drop-in Centre/ administrative head in the morning on Friday. After welcoming them to the organization, they were taken through the vision and mission of SCA, our history in brief and the people we serve/ target group. Then we went to some vicinities in the central business district to interact with children in street situations.

In addition, we hosted a section of our beneficiaries in formal education support at the drop-in center. The students, numbering over twenty-five (25) were engaged in a full day workshop under the theme: Cultivating good habits for academic excellence. 

The workshop was aimed at inculcating good morals which would result in improved academic performances among them. We highlighted issues pertaining to their conducts in school and at home. Also, child right abuse and human trafficking. The Kumasi chapter of Youth Ambassadors Against Human Trafficking was also launched. Snacks and heavy meals were provided to all participants during and after the program.

Furthermore, a historic cultural day event took place at St. Vincent de Paul Day Care, our preschool unit at Abinkyi in Kumasi. The event was organized to portray the rich Ghanaian culture. Traditional apparels, local delicacies and kingship of tribes across the length and breadth of Ghana were displayed.

In attendance were dignitaries like the queen mother for Abinkyi traditional council, the Ashanti regional coordinator of Catholic Education Unit, and parents of our pupils were also present to cheer the kids.

All these programs were highly successful, and we are heartily grateful to Adamfo Ghana, Misereor, Wilde Ganzen, Conrad Hilton Foundation and all other partners, who continuously form our backbone to serve people in street and other vulnerable situations.

Watch pictures of the three events here:

Talitha Kum Ghana rescues seven victims of human trafficking.

Talitha Kum Ghana rescues seven victims of human trafficking.

ConPAHT Talithakum Ghana in collaboration with the Anti-trafficking unit of Ghana Police service has rescued seven girls aging between fourteen (14) and twenty-three (23) years.

The seven girls were trafficked to Ghana by some unsuspecting agents who acted as business partners in Nigeria, and needed workers to fill vacancies in shopping mall, factories and boutiques with high paying salaries and allowances.

According to the girls, they were promised Eight thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS800.00) as basic salary every two weeks if they come to Ghana. But they were forcibly camped at a prostitution base in Kumasi to work as sex workers when they arrived. They also recounted several difficulties including hunger, maltreatment and exploitations they went through in the country.

The Ashanti regional command of the Anti-Trafficking unit of Ghana Police service, which has been a collaborative partner of ConPAHT-Talitha Kum Ghana and Safe-Child Advocacy in the fight against human trafficking, assisted us to rescue these girls from the ghettos and also arrest the perpetrators of these crimes. Court case is filed against the traffickers, and we hope justice would be served to protect the victims.

The National Coordinator of Talitha Kum Ghana, Rev Sr. Olivia Umoh, a Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul who is also the Director for Safe-Child Advocacy, narrates how precarious the human trafficking situation is in Ghana and Africa at large. She also called on governments, civil society organizations and individuals to act vehemently towards eradicating the canker.

Watch her narration in a video below, and pictures of the rescued victims below: 👇

SCA Celebrates Feast of St. Louise de Marillac.

SCA Celebrates Feast of St. Louise de Marillac.

SCA Celebrates Feast of St. Louise de Marillac.
Born on 12th August, 1591 and called to eternal glory on March 15, 1660, Louise de Marillac was canonized a saint in 1934.
St. Louise de Marillac was proclaimed the patroness of social works by His Holiness Pope John XXIII in 1963.
Also, she is the patron saint of sick people, widows and orphans.
Her commitments were advocating for people who are poor: Love of and preference for the poor as to orient the entire community in favor of the poor/persons in poverty situations; readily working for truth, justice and peace at all times; consistently living simple and transparent lives in relationships and chosen careers.
Observing social responsibility and accountability in the classroom, in the community and in the workplace; including a passion that engenders caring, compassionate life witnessing in human communities, among fellow citizens and within the church.
SIMPLICITY: Love of and living out of truth and freedom, honesty and transparency in relationships, living a modest and simple lifestyle in solidarity with the less privileged.
At Safe-Child Advocacy, Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi, we joined the Daughters of Charity sisters all over the world to celebrate phenomenal impact of their co-founder, St. Louise de Marillac on her Feast Day.

Thank You for participating in our Webinar.

Valued participant,

It was an honor to have you present in our online meeting, being one of our activities to mark the International Day for Street Children 2024. Your participation ensured the success of the event. We were thrilled to have you join us for this enlightening session, and we hope that you found it valuable and insightful.

The Webinar was hosted by Safe-Child Advocacy, Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi managed by Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul on Tuesday April 30th, 2024.

The theme: Belonging: Integrating Street Connected Children into the Society, was strategically selected to reflect on practical measures that can be put in place to integrate street connected children and make them feel belonged in society.

We hope to continue to work together towards improving living conditions for all children especially those in street situations.
Thank you once again, and we are anticipating your presence in our subsequent programs.

Please share your thoughts, suggestions or anymore inputs about the event here. Click here


WEBINAR INVITATION: International Day for Street Children

WEBINAR INVITATION: International Day for Street Children

We are pleased to invite you to our first webinar in 2024. The 12th of April every year is used globally to mark the International Day for Street Children and as part of our activities to mark this day, Safe-Child Advocacy Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi, is hosting a webinar on the theme; Belonging: Integrating Street Connected Children into the Society in a panel discussion on Tuesday April 30, 2024, at 10:00 GMT.

We believe that your experience with street connected children would undoubtedly contribute greatly to this dialogue. We look forward to your positive response.

Please click on the link below to Register/ Join the meeting: Click here to register/ join the meeting.

Ten (10) trainees had NVTI Exams at St. Louise Vocational Training Centre.

Ten (10) trainees had NVTI Exams at St. Louise Vocational Training Centre.

Exciting news

We’re thrilled to announce that, our 2024 final year batch of trainees in Dressmaking and Hairdressing have successfully completed their final examinations! It’s been an incredible journey filled with hard work, dedication, and creativity, and we couldn’t be prouder of our talented students.

The purpose of this training Centre is to empower young women with skills to reduce their vulnerability. The Centre is an offshoot of Safe-Child Advocacy, Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi, managed by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, and has already graduated eight (8) batches of young girls in vocational skills such as dressmaking, hairdressing and catering.

The training programme is sponsored by various organizations including, Adamfo Ghana, Wilde Ganzen, Misereor, and Conrad Hilton Foundation through the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious in Ghana (CMSRGH). The programme also enjoys local support from the traditional chief of Appiadu and the aspiring Member of Parliament for Oforikrom Constituency.

The Centre is NVTI accredited examination and testing centre, hence the candidates took the exams in their usual classroom under a strict supervision of a national NVTI testing officer.


Click on this link 2024 Final year exams at VTC to watch streaming of the practical exams. Also, see pictures below.