Vulnerable Situations”.
Seasoned and experienced resource persons namely: Madam Rubby Korkor Anang, Child Protection Officer (UNICEF); Mr. Samuel Zan Akologo, Fellow of The Institute of Directors; and Sr. Franca Edet (DC) Main Daughters of Charity Representative at the United Nations addressed the following topics under the theme:
- Child labour, exploitation, or Socialization?
- The High Cost of using children as cheap labour.
- Ending the Exploitation of Children: Strategies for the Future.
It was a very insightful and interactive session as resource persons and participants shared experiences and learnings on various topics. We believe that coming together to form a formidable force as individuals, civil society organizations, government institutions Non- governmental organizations etc. to speak out and advocate is our major tool in fighting against child labour and all other forms of abuses meted out to children.
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